Malawi Congress Party (MCP) says it has nothing to do with what is going at the Lilongwe City Council (LCC) where councillors sealed offices for the chief executive officer John Chome and for directors of finance and administration.

Sources at the council have confided in us that councilors have targeted the three officials for their decision to seal MCP offices in Lilongwe last week.

But MCP spokesperson Maurice Munthali, trashed the claims

“The Malawi Congress Party does not and will not in any way interfere with Government or other issues that are outside its jurisdiction.

“Besides, our President, Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, has always emphasised the fact that state institutions and departments must be left to operate independent of any political pressure. That is what is meant by rule of law in the Hi5 agenda. So, I can categorically refute any allegations to the effect that MCP is behind the issues happening at Lilongwe City Council. If anything, our prayer is that they will sort out their issues amicably and per the dictates of the law”.

MCP owes the council in excess of K300 million in ground rentals.
Asked if they are committed to honour this longstanding debt, Munthali said the issue is in court.

“It is our hope that we will reach at an agreeable compromise with related payment terms. Suffice to say that as a law abiding Party we are ready to comply with any lawful settlement of the case at hand”.

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