“We are living in the 21st century. We can’t be deploying tactics that were deployed in 1976 or 1994.”

These are the words of businessman Duduzane Zuma, who is adamant about his plans to run for president in 2024.

Speaking on Power 98.7 on Monday, Zuma said his presidential bid was more than a dream, despite having no experience in politics.

The son of former president Jacob Zuma said the switch from businessman to politician lies with “decision-making at the highest levels”.

“It is less of a dream but more of conversations. I think over a period of time we all have these conversations about how we get involved in making a difference.

“I have been a businessman my whole life, an entrepreneur, and politics is very new to me. I’ve followed it, I have understood it and was a part of it,” he said.

Zuma said he has a “game-changing contribution” to offer and wants to bring about a change in the ANC.

“We cannot have the same players on the field trying to make plans for people who think differently in this day and age. All we are saying is, that time is done. We need fresh and younger perspectives,” he said.

Zuma previously told Newsbreak Lotus he was allowed to “dream big” and was putting his name in the hat to run for the ANC presidency in December 2022 and in the national general elections in 2024.
He said his political plan was not to compete with anyone, adding he was walking a different path.

“If you’re saying I’m competing against someone, it means we walk on the same path. I’m walking a completely different path. We’re going to do things differently and there’s no-one in that lane. That’s a lane I’m creating, because I believe that’s the only way we’re going to overturn and overhaul the situation through the ANC,” he said.

Last year Zuma told 702 he believes many South Africans trust him to bring about change and would vote for him, despite his previous business ties with the controversial Gupta family.

He said his interaction with people was what informed his decision to embark on a political career and denied claims his father had a hand in it.
“I didn’t wake up and say, ‘Let me start a political career’. It was because of the people who believe in me and trust me to fight their fight. That’s where I am coming from.

“To say there is a [Zondo] commission going on and I have a negative persona, that goes without saying, but I am here and that’s going to change. There are going to be a lot of interactions. You’ll get to know me and enjoy me.”


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