Police in Lilongwe has released Political Activist Bon Kalindo on police bail barely hours after re-arresting him in Zomba and driving 300 kilometers away to the Capital City.

Information confined to FaceofMalawi from the highly placed sources at Lilongwe Police says Kalindo was released on Monday evening “following orders from above”.

Kalindo has been leading a series of Anti-Govt Demonstrations in Major cities and towns under the banner Concerned Citizen.

He was arrested on Friday in Mangochi and charged with publication of false statements when he allegedly said former Deputy Speaker of Parliament Clement Chiwaya, who shot himself to death at the Parliament Building a few months ago, was in fact “Killed” by the government.

Kalindo also alleged to have known the people behind the Albino killing while leading the demonstrations in Mzuzu a week ago.

Appearing before the Zomba Chief Resident Magistrate in Zomba on Monday, Kalindo was released on bail only to be rearrested soon thereafter.

According to the Police, they arrested Kalindo on Malicious Damage charges following the looting in Lilongwe during the previous demonstrations. They also said Kalindo was a money-laundering suspect.

Meanwhile Lawyer for Kalindo, Gilbert Khonyongwa asked for more time to comment on the matter as he was not aware of his client’s release.

“I have to enquire with authorities and my colleagues, otherwise, what I know is that he has been rearrested o allegations of malicious damage the occurred in Lilongwe during the demonstration that he organized, I have also heard of Money laundering, So I can comment much,” says Khonyongwa.

Meanwhile Deputy national Chairperson for the Concerned Citizens Movement, Levy Luwemba said whether or not Kalindo is arrested, the scheduled demonstrations in Zomba on Thursday, December 16, will go ahead as planned.

“It is within our constitutional rights to demonstrate to the Tonse Alliance Government of President Lazarus Chakwera that we are not happy with the way they are governing this country.” Until all our concerns are addressed, we will continue to mobilize the masses to force this government to hear our cries,” said Luwemba in an Interview.

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