As Christmas and new year festivities draw closer TNM has warned its agents against falling for planks of tricksters.

TNM took the stand to remind agents how to operate their Mpamba business and how to identify fraudulent transactions.

One of the agents, Ellias Gomile, said the workshop has helped to iron out challenges they encounter in the Mpamba business.

“First of all let me thank the organisers, TNM, for the workshop. It has been educative and has assisted to resolve some issues,” said Gomile.

He, however, asked TNM to consider offering loans to agents to improve their Mpamba business.

“Some of us have a small capital. We request TNM to give us soft loans to boost our businesses,” added Gomile.

TNM Regional Distribution Manager for the North, Lengster Nyanjagha, said the workshop was a routine exercise to interact with agents on several issues.

“The idea is to remind each other on best customer service practices and to be mindful of fraudsters in the business,” explained Nyanjagha.

On loan request, Nyanjagha said TNM, will soon link its agents to NEEF to access additional capital.

The workshop drew nearly two hundred TNM agents from Mzuzu City.

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