As COVID-19 cases have started rising again in the country, government through Presidential Task Force has banned all political rallies to control further spread of the pandemic.

Minister of Health Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda who is also co-chairperson of the task force announced this today during media briefing in the capital Lilongwe.

Chiponda said public gatherings are restricted to 100 and 250 people for indoor and outdoor activities respectively, including weddings, religious gatherings and sporting activities.

She further said that bars will be closing by 10pm, capacity for public transportation is reduced to 60 percent while borders will remain open but travellers will be expected to produce a negative PCR result and a Covid 19 vaccination certificate.

The development has placed in limbo a rally organized by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the United Democratic Front (UDF) slated for Njamba Freedom Park this coming Sunday.

Former President Peter Mutharika and Atupele Muluzi were expected to grace the rally.

DPP spokesperson Shadreck Namalomba is yet to comment on the new measures set by government.

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