The Nigerian Televangelist and General Overseer of the Power City International Ministry, Dr. Abel Damina said Dangote doesn’t give tithe yet he’s the richest man in Africa and giving in the Church doesn’t have any reward on earth.

The host of the regular TV and radio program, Righteous Invasion Of Truth [R.I.O.T.] said, if Dangote who doesn’t give tithe and offering is the richest man in Africa, then being rich is not as a result of giving tithe and offering in Church. “God is not going to bless you for giving in Church.

How much are you going to give to God to bless you? God does not react to your giving. He blessed you before you knew about giving. God is the first giver and the best giver.

We don’t give for multiplication. If we give to God for multiplication, then Dangote is better than our God, because Dangote is not born again, doesn’t give tithe and he’s the richest man in Africa.

With all the offerings people have been giving, why hasn’t God multiplied them to be richer than Dangote? Something is wrong with that Gospel. It’s fraudulent,” Dr. Damina said.

He said the concept of giving to God for multiplication, is scripturally wrong and fraudulent.

“The so called prosperity preachers will tell you to give and your money will multiply. God is not MMM. Stop giving to God to multiply your money, it’s fraud. There is no such thing.

If you want your money to increase, get more jobs, get more businesses and you will increase your money, but where God is concerned, when you give, it doesn’t multiply, rather your giving translates into salvation of souls for eternal reward.

There is no earthly reward for giving to God. So, stop expecting anything here. The scripture says, lay your treasures in heaven where no thief will steal from because that is where the reward will be. So, don’t let anybody deceive you. God is not going to bless you for giving in Church,” Dr. Damina said.

He further added that, the reason why he’s committed to exposing teachings which have no scriptural basis is because he was once a victim. “I’m telling you this because I preached it, that’s what they taught me.

I thought it was the truth until I sat down and looked at God again, and I understood God’s character and I looked at the word of God. I saw that the teaching is not correct.

God gives to those who give and also to those who don’t give, because he caused the rain to fall on the good and the bad. He set the sunshine on the evil and the good, that’s God. There is no variables nor a shadow of turning.

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