Members of Parliament were engaged in some fisticuffs in the chamber of the House during the voting on the controversial E-levy bill on Monday, December 20.

The MPs were taking votes on whether or not the E-levy should be adopted under a certificate of urgency.

At the time, Joseph Osei-Owusu who was presiding stated that he was stepping down to vote so,  the Second Deputy Speaker should take over.

The Minority had earlier contended that per parliament’s standing orders, the Speaker of Parliament does not have a casting vote, however, Joe Osei-Owusu indicated that he Would still vote.

Just when he was about to step down for the Second Deputy to take over, the Minority took the stage.

In the process, the Minority clashed with the Majority with members of both sides exchanging blows.

Instead of bahaving honourably like grown ups and respected members of the society, the MPs turned Parliament into a wrestling ground.

Kicks and blows were flying in all directions as the honourable members turned into dishonourable members, ignoring all the rules on social distancing.


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