The Public Affairs Committee (PAC) has asked former President Peter Mutharika to desist from making embarrassing statements in an attempt to push religious leaders and civil society to act on social economic challenges rocking the country.

PAC sentiments follow recent attacks by Mutharika during a rally organized at Njamba Freedom Park.

During the rally Mutharika wondered as to why PAC is silent while Malawians are suffering at the hands of Tonse Alliance led by President Lazarus Chakwera.

Reacting to Mutharika’s sentiments PAC urged the former President to stop embarrassing himself.

Spokesperson of the religious grouping Reverend Bishop Gifford Matonga said that PAC believes in principles of discussion and dialoguing on matters of national interest and not aggressive approach.

“We have been engaging the country’ leadership on various issues including corruption and the high cost of living. We are just a religious a organization that believes in dialogue and not aggression,” said Bishop Matonga.

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