Ghanaian lawyer, television presenter Sandra Ankobiah was mocked after the real view of her backside hit online

Many netizens have expressed disappointment in Lawyer Sandra Ankobiah after seeing her eŋhαnced ba++ making a mockery of her with the way it was looking.

A video of Sandra Ankobiah at a recent event shows obviously she has gone to eŋhance her behind and some cetizens think she overdid herself as the shape of her bu++ in the dress she wore to the event make her look ‘ridiculous’.

Some netizens reacting to the viral video showing her behind really well said Sandra Ankobiah disgraces herself so much as what she went to do makes her shape which was initially beautiful look ridiculous because her bu++ looks like tubers of yam.

Others were only mocking her saying she might have gone to do another bu++ Uplift as her previous photos and the recent video have a different backside and it makes it obvious that she has worked on herself .

Sandra Ankobiah is not the first female celebrity to have worked on herself and will probably not be the last but they mostly deny ever working on their body when everything is obvious though some are bold enough to accept.

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