Common cold and Sore throat have been on the increase and fueled by the ranging rains, the cold Flue is not dying off any time soon.

And as some researches have shown, there is no defined remedy nor drug which is known to treat common cold. Some medics have actually argued that it takes a minimum of Two weeks for a cold to fully heal with or without medication.

It has however been discovered that taking lemon helps suppress or even cure fully the effects of common colds and sore throat. This explains why the supply of lemon increases when there is winter, rains or an outbreak of common colds.

But apart from lemon, a combination of two other natural commodities has proven to be more effective in curing the colds and sore throat.

Am talking about Ginger, commonly refered to as Tangawizi and Garlic also known as Kitunguu Saumu in Swahili.

These two are very common in the common kitchen but few know of their medicinal advantages.

So how do you use them? It is really simple.

Peel off Garlic and pluck one small piece. Similarly, peel off Ginger and slice a small piece of similar size as that of garlic.

You are done. Add some small pinch of salt and chew the mixture. Do so in the morning and in the evening. By the end of the second day, you will never hear anything to do with cold or sore throat.

If in case you find it so bitter to chew, you can boil it to form a concoction, add some lemon for flavor and a little honey to help reduce the bitterness.

But for effectiveness, chewing the two raw works better than boiling.

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