Former President Dr. Joyce Banda and founder of People’s Party (PP) has joined Malawians in mourning former first lady Annie Muluzi who died of Cancer in Kenya on Tuesday night.

Writing on his official facebook page Banda described Annie Muluzi as a woman with a beautiful heart.

“All I can say is that Malawi has lost a beautiful daughter with a beautiful heart. Simply put a woman full of empathy,” said Banda.

Below is Banda’s tribute to Annie Muluzi;

It is with great shock that I have learned about the passing of Madam ANN MULUZI, Former First Lady of the Republic of Malawi. It was only last week when I had conversation with the former Head of State H.E. Dr Bakili Muluzi asking about her progress.

One time in 1970 visiting my late granduncle, Mr Titus Chimwele, a brother to my maternal grandfather, so uncle to my mother Mrs Edith Chimwele Mtila, at Mandanga House in ZOMBA close to Army Barracks, a couple came to visit. I was told later by my granduncle that the couple was Mr & Mrs Muluzi. That the husband was Principal at The Technical College in Nasawa. What struck me most was the beauty of his wife. We became close. Many times visiting at Naperi and/or Ntaja.

What I learned later is her capacity to love regardless of your status or age. She was kind and extremely generous. A person who was always reaching out to comfort the sick and the bereaved. Very comfortable living in the village with us in the eastern region even when she was First Lady. She assimilated herself very well into our yao tradition and spoke perfect yao and she was loved by many.

When my mother was sick at Blantyre Seventh Day Adventist Hospital she stood by me and my siblings. Sometimes sitting with me in hospital for many hours. Bringing us food from statehouse. In the recent past we have met in many vigils in the townships and villages where families have lost loved ones. The day I lost my son this year on the 3rd of February, she called from her sick bed to mourn with me. Just like we mourned together when Esmie passed on in Washington DC when she was transiting back to malawi for the funeral.

My deepest condolences to the Former President HE Bakili Muluzi, and the whole Muluzi and Masula families. Your Excellency thank you for all you have done to try and save her life. May I humbly ask you to accept Allah’s plans in our lives. All I can say is that Malawi has lost a beautiful daughter with a beautiful heart. Simply put a woman full of empathy.

May her soul rest in everlasting peace.


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