The Pharmaceutical Society of Malawi (Phasom) has condemned the rise in drug theft in public health facilities and has called on the speedy trial of the culprits arrested by law enforcers.

In a statement signed by Phasom secretary general Jeremiah Kabaghe and its president William Mpute the grouping said it was disheartening that drug theft is happening even at a time when the country is facing drug shortages and stockouts in public health facilities.

According to Phasom, the recent incident was reported on 22 December 2021 in Lilongwe.

The statement reads: “Phasom condemns the vice in the strongest terms and hopes there will be speedy conclusion of these cases in the court of law. It is also the society’s expectation to see the court of law treat those found guilty in accordance with the stipulations of the current Pharmacy and Medicines Regulatory Authority (PMRA) Act”.

Phasom is a registered body of Pharmacy professionals. The society was established with the objective of fostering high standards of pharmacy practice in all disciplines of the pharmacy profession.

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