Minister of Health, Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, who is also Co-Chair of Presidential Task Force on Covid-19, says Covid-19 pandemic is causing extra pressure on health workers.

She made the remarks on Thursday at Capitol Hill in Lilongwe during a press briefing to update the nation on Covid 19 developments.

“I am pleased to inform the nation that we have finished all the Astra Zeneca vaccine unlike the case in March where some was wasted. By now 183 people are hospitalized and within one week 24 Malawians have succumbed to Covid-19.

“As I speak 276 health workers are affected and this is giving us extra burden on health facilities, as the officers are to be quarantined,” she said.

Currently, there are 7000 doses of Johnson and Johnson and 4000 doses of Pfaizer available.

By 29 December, 2021, 73, 238 cases were registered and 2350 have died of the disease.

The Minister said from 1st January 2022, vaccination for children will be rolled out hence encouraged parents to guide their children from 12 to 16 years to make sure that they get the jabs as schools open.

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