ZIMBABWE – A 35-year-old woman from Masvingo was murdered by her boyfriend for turning down a marriage proposal on Boxing Day.

Masvingo Police spokesperson, Inspector Kudakwashe Dhewa said Pauline Chiware of Village Kwangare, Chief Nyajena was killed by Vengesai Makura who has since been arrested. Dhewa said:

On 26 December around 8am Makura went to Chiware’s home wanting to formalise their relationship, a development which Chiware rejected.

The rejection caused the two to have a misunderstanding with Makura blaming Chiware for causing him to divorce his first wife and for wasting his time and money.

Makura then drank cotton herbicide, armed himself with a log and went after Chiware who had sought refuge in her mother Sarafina Hwiru’s house. Makura broke down the door and attacked Hwiru while Chiware ran away.

Makura followed her and struck her once on the back and once on the forehead and she fell down.

Chiware died an hour later. A report was made at Triangle police by Hwiru leading to the arrest of Makura.

Chiware’s body was taken to Chiredzi General Hospital for post-mortem where Makura was admitted under police custody.

Statistics suggest that cases of gender-based violence rose in 2020 to coincide with the imposition of coronavirus-induced lockdowns.

Source: The Sunday News

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