SOUTH AFRICA – Social media has been shocked with story of a 34 year old who has been dumped by his twelve girlfriends and 2 wives because he has a small penis.

The man from Qwaqwa, Free State claims that his small penis is the reason all the women have ever been in his life have left him.

He said it was in 2011 when he realized he had a problem when his first wife kept complaining that his manhood was too small.

He said before intercourse his wife would play with it hoping to make the erection bigger, but that made no difference.

“After three months in our marriage she packed her clothes and left. She told me in a letter why she was leaving,” she said.

“I was heartbroken and ashamed that as a man I couldn’t satisfy my wife.”

Six months later the poor guy found a girlfriend but she left him for the same reason.

He said with his second marriage it was even worse.

“When we started dating we tried to seek help. We went to a sangoma who gave me muthi, but that didn’t work,” he said.

“One night after just two minutes on top of her she told me to get off. She got dressed, packed her bags and walked out.”

He said he didn’t date for a year when he met a 27-year-old woman who became his third wife.

This time they did everything they could to help him. They even went to Lesotho to see a sangoma, but it was in vain.

“She ended up leaving because she couldn’t take it anymore. We separated in June last year and I’m hoping that I will find help so that I can go back to her,” he said.

The desperate man said the issue with his manhood has affected him badly that he suspects he’s suffering from depression.

“I have become the laughing stock of ekasi because everybody knows about my problem,” he said.

“I need help so that I can feel like a man. I’m willing to do anything to fix this.”

His estranged wife said she loved him but she couldn’t handle his small manhood.

“I tried to stand by him but it’s too much now. I want him to get help so we can try again,” she said.

Dr Malcolm Mpanga from Men’s Clinic South Africa said they could help the man. He said it would be pills or surgery, but he would need to be checked first.

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