Release Mpinganjira, Uladi and Mzomera – demands Kalindo

Comedian turned Political activist Bon Kalindo has ordered for the release of prisoners including businessperson Thom Mpinganjira and politician Christopher Mzomera Ngwira as part of the amnesty for people who committed corruption related offences.

He made the call today during a press conference in Lilongwe held over the government’s decision to issue a 60-day amnesty which allows people who stole government funds to return the money and escape prosecution.

During the briefing held together with other activists, Kalindo said the amnesty is unacceptable and only aimed at protecting politicians in the Tonse Alliance Government.

He, however, said that if government sticks with its decision to offer amnesty to suspects, then Malawians who are in prisons for corruption, theft and other related offences should also be freed.

He mentioned businessperson Oswald Lutepo who was convicted over cashgate, Uladi Mussa who was sentenced to five years in prison for influencing issuing of passports and Christopher Mzomera who is serving a four-year sentence for stealing K250,000 meant for development.

“Mzomera Ngwira is currently critically ill and President Lazarus Chakwera should consider pardoning him. Lutepo’s businesses have since collapsed because he is in prison so we want him to be released.

“The president should also pardon Mpinganjira who was convicted of attempting to bribe judges. No one saw the money but he is now suffering in jail,” said Kalindo.

During the briefing, Kalindo also revealed that he will lead anti-government demonstrations on Friday this week where the issue of the amnesty will also be protested against.

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