The gross hogwash that shrouds religion and by far Christianity in Africa has just been deepened after a Nigerian pastor told a male congregant he has the power to increase his manhood.

This was the drama that went down in a video sighted online that captured Nigerian Pastor and the Founder of Shekina Area Ministries, Evangelist Gospel Agochukwa performing his so-called miracle of returning stolen manhood to a man.

In the video, the pastor asked the young man if his boxer shorts got missing recently which he confirmed immediately.

He then asked him if he knows who took it but he answered in the negative after which he told him the situation had had an adverse effect on his manhood.

“They collected your boxers and said your manhood will stop working. Ever since then you can’t feel your manhood.

When you stay for sometimes you will touch it small, even on the bus? I will collect back your manhood and give it back to you.

Do you want a bigger size? I can increase the size spiritually,” the Pastor said while the man confirms his vision by nodding and screaming ‘Amen.’

He then prayed for him and asked God to release his manhood, stomach, and intestine. Immediately the pastor touched him, he jerked and fell on the floor.

Watch the video below;

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