By Marshall Dyton

Forum for National Development (FND) has bemoaned what they call ‘Racial profiling and Human Rights Abuse’ over Malawians of Asian origin.

In a press statement released on Friday, the organization said it is saddened with gross of human rights violations being perpetuated to Malawians of Asian community and their businesses and the use of social media as a tool for hate and extortion scheme.

“We are becoming worried at how Malawians of Asian origin commonly known as ‘amwenye’ are being targeted with hate message, abuse and are a victim of well-orchestrated blackmail and extortion scheme. We are even worried that any attempt for them to clear their names and pursue justice is frowned upon by the public,” reads part of the statement.

FND further expressed worries that the way Malawians of Asian origin are treated, it is as if they are the source of all Malawian problems.

“It seems there is a general consensus that ‘amwenye’ are the source of all Malawian problems and any accusation leveled upon them is gospel truth, in fact, they are guilty as charged on any case until proven innocent,” continues the statement adding “even when the competent courts find them innocent, they are perceived to not be really innocent but might have bribed their way to freedom.”

While admitting that there may be some ‘amwenye’ who might be in conflict with the law in regards to their business dealings, FND is against “blanket categorization of all.”

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