Former Vice President Khumbo Hastings Kachali who is also President of Freedom Party (FP) has said he will engage Minister of Finance and Economic Development over funding woes rocking the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB).

Kachali’s remarks follow reports by one of the local daily papers in the country hinting that investigators are using personal money.

In statement posted on his official facebook page Kachali said he saddened by the reports that ACB clipped financially.

“Fellow Malawians, I am saddened by the front page article on the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) in the Nation Newspaper of today the 18th of January, 2022.

“It is not wise for us to cripple the operations of the ACB especially at this critical moment by denying them funding. That runs contrary to what actually enabled us to win the elections last year,” wrote Kachali.

He added: “I will personally engage the Minister of Finance on this and will report back to the people of Malawi through this same platform.

“Let us not forget that Malawians are no longer passive citizens as we used to know them. They now actively pay attention to the way they are governed. Malawians will not hesitate to boot out any regime as they did last year, if they are not governed well.”

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