Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spokesperson Shadreck Namalomba has been given three days to withdraw his sentiments he made towards Kalani Mutharika and apologize to him.

Namalomba, in a press statement claimed that Kalani Mutharika is an imposter and conman and is not related in any way with the former head of statement |Peter Mutharika.

In a statement, the Karan family says Namalomba’s remarks have caused a lot of damage to their family and calling on the DPP spokesperson to show them their main roots as they have all proof of being related to the Mutharikas.

Again, the family has asked politicians to desist from the behavior of taking advantage of someone’s condition to gain public appraisal.

Nankhumwa visited the “struggling” Karan Thom Mutharika and pledged to construct a house for him.

But Namalomba told Nankhumwa to slow down; saying he was taking his war for the DPP presidency too far.