These are reasons women are likely to be infected with S*xual Transmitted Infections than men.

Women are more vulnerable to being infected with S*xually Transmitted Infections (STIs) like chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis for the following reasons;

The anatomy of a woman’s reproductive organ has a larger surface. The male sexual organ is covered by skin and does not have a large opening, unlike the female’s which is more open.

A man is more likely to ejaculate more semen than any vaginal secretion. This means that women are more exposed during intercourse with an infected man than the other way round.

When it comes to negotiating for safer s*x, most women are disenfranchised for economic reasons.

She could be in the sex industry or she wants money from the man so she would not push for safer sex.

Socially too, women are not taught to speak up for their sexual rights.

Firstly, untreated chlamydia and gonorrhoea cause pelvic inflammatory disease and damage the reproductive system which will cause many fertility issues.

Chlamydia can also cause ectopic pregnancy which is when a baby grows outside the womb, and it is usually fatal.

Untreated syphilis causes many complications like miscarriages and still birth and in some cases it can cause blindness.

This is why safe sex is so important.

It is not only women who need to be advised on the advantages of safe sex and treatment when infected but men too.

Men need to be decisive about safer sex to reduce the chances of spreading STIs from one woman to the other.

Also, if an infected woman is treated by her partner isn’t, she and many women will keep getting infected.

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