The Malawi Police Service (MPS) has warned that the police will deal with any person who will conduct vigils at toll gates.

National Police spokesperson James Kadadzera has released a statement today following an announcement by political activist Bon Kalindo that he will hold demonstrations at Chingeni Toll Plaza and Kalinyeke Toll Gate next week.

Kadadzera in the statement said Section 237 of the penal code criminalizes the intentional endangering of the safety of persons traveling by road.

“This includes dealing with the road in such a manner that affects the free flow and safe use of the road or safety of any person,” said Kadadzera.

He added that Section 99 of the Police Act prohibits the holding of an assembly or demonstration in such a manner that obstructs vehicle traffic movement on public roads.

“In view of the above, the planned vigils at toll gates would amount to criminal offenses,” said Kadadzera.

He then warned that the Malawi Police will “deal with any person” attempting to commit such crimes.

Kalindo who has been leading anti-government protests wants the government to declare that any motorist should be paying once at a toll gate per day.

At a press briefing recently, Kalindo expressed concern that a motorist traveling from Blantyre to Lilongwe on the M1 road would pay at Chingeni and then at Kalinyeke toll plaza in Dedza and if they return the same day they would play again at the two toll gates.


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