President Lazarus Chakwera has trashed Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda’s deal to offer amnesty to people involved in corruption scandal.

Addressing the Nation last night, the Malawi leader said his government is striving hard to fight and end corruption and amnesty is not the way.

According to Chakwera it is the responsibility of each and every Malawi to help in fighting corruption.

The president said there is a need to have a proper legal framework in place before implementing the amnesty deal as proposed by the Attorney General.

He added that he has communicated to relevant authorities of his stand and Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda will be informed.

Chakaka Nyirenda, had earlier announced that government will offer amnesty to individuals answering corruption charges to give them a chance to pay back what they stole from Malawians.

The move was later disapproved by Malawians and other legal minds came in saying there is no law which allows the Attorney General to do so.

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