The arrest was done by South East Region Police officers in the wee hours of February 5, 2022

The actual incident occurred on February 2 and 3, 2022 at Khonjeni police unit and Salubeni village in Traditional Authority Kapichi.

Inspector Rodrick Maida, Public Relations Officer, South East Region Police said Police investigations revealed that on January 28, 2022 Khonjeni police unit received a report that Thomas Maseya, 35, of Mikate village in Traditional Authority Kapichi in Thyolo had died after hanging himself to a tree.

On February 2, 2022 after burial, relatives of the deceased and sympathizers from Mikate village stormed Khonjeni police unit demanding wife of the deceased Brenda Maxwell,26, of Salubeni village in Traditional Authority Kapichi in Thyolo to explain the real cause of death.

As police officers were reasoning with them, they turned violent by stoning the office, thereby smashing 26 window glasses and driver’s side glass of Luchenza police vehicle.

As if that was not enough on February 3, 2022 the angry mob from Mikate village stormed Salubeni village and demolished five houses,  stealing property, before slashing down  maize crops in targeted gardens.

In reaction to the malpractice South East Region Police officers invaded Mikate village in the wee hours of February 5, 2022 and managed to arrest 14 suspects.

More arrests are likely to follow  as investigations are still in progress.

South East Region Police  is strongly warning the general public that they will arrest anyone taking the law into their own hands.

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