Mangochi North East Overtone Imedi has resigned from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

Imedi told MBC that he has reached the point to step down as a candidate as well as a regional member.

“I have decided to quit DPe I don’t see any political future that I can achieve while in DPP,” he said.

DPP Regional Governor for the East, Sheikh Imran Mtenje, said he is not aware that Imedi has stepped down as a member of DPP.

“The DPP practices open door policy where people can enter and leave the party at any time. As a party will find a replacement for him before 2025 tripartite elections,” said Mtenje.

During the 2019 tripartite elections, Imedi was third-best in Mangochi North East with over 5,000 votes.

DPP has been marred with political divisions as different camps have emerged calling for immediate party convention.

Source: MBC

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