James Chatonda Kaunda has re-joined the Malawi Congress Party (MCP), a party in Tonse Alliance headed by President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera.

Chatonda Kaunda once served as MCP Deputy Secretary General.

He was welcomed into MCP fold together with former Mzuzu DC, Herbert Kamanga at a ceremony which took place at Ekwendeni constituency office in Mzimba North East on Tuesday.

MCP’s top official Frank Hara confirmed of the development in a statement posted on his official facebook page.

“Hon Joseph Chavula RC North South Region today welcomed Hon James Chatonda Kaunda the former deputy SG, Hon Gilbert Chione former Mzuzu DC, Herbert Kamanga former district compaign director and four former district executives at Ekwendeni constituency office in Mzimba North East into the MCP family. The RC Hon Joseph Chavula accompanied by Frank Hara DC Mzuzu,” wrote Hara.

Yesterday, the party also welcomed councilor for Chibanja Ward Martha Jere.

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