United Democratic front (UDF) President Atupele Muluzi has expresses ignorance on the 33 Shadow Member Cabinet appointed by leader of opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for the South.

Nankhumwa has roped in three faces from UDF which is in alliance with DPP.

But writing on his official facebook page, Muluzi said Nankhumwa could have consulted the UDF leadership before coming up with his Shadow Cabinet.

“I have just learnt through social media the appointment of an Opposition Shadow Cabinet in Parliament that includes UDF Members of Parliament. I wish this was done in consultation with the UDF Leadership,” wrote Atupele.

Inside sources, say UDF leader in parliament Nedson Phoya recommended three names to Nankhumwa.

Meanwhile, Nankhumwa is yet to comment on the matter.

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