The Senior Resident Magistrate (SRM) Court in Lilongwe has sentenced and convicted 22 – year-old Chikondi Gurosi to 18 years imprisonment for robbing a Burundi National in 2019.

Kawale Police Station spokesperson, Mabvuto Phiri, says the court heard through prosecutor Roxy Nsaka that Gurosi committed the offence on July 17, 2019 at Mchesi near Winners Chapel Church.

Nsaka further told the court that Gurosi and his friend attacked the Burundian national and robbed him of money, ATM cards and two cellphones, all valued at K544,000 and was left unconscious.

The matter was reported at Kawale Police whereby the victim was issued a referral letter to Kamuzu Central Hospital.

However, following extensive investigation, Gurosi and his accomplice were arrested in August, 2019.

Appearing in court, Gulosi pleaded not guilty to the charge levelled against him and this prompted the State to parade three witnesses who testified against him.

SRM Florence Msekandiana sentenced him to 18 years in jail.

Gurosi hails from Gulo Village, Traditional Authority Njolomole in Ntcheu District.

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