ZIMBABWE – A 25-year-old insecure man from Nkulumane, Sipho Dhewa has terminated his life after his girlfriend dumped him.

According to reports, the man was accusing his girlfriend, only known as Caroline of cheating on him.

Their love affair was a bumpy affair because Gift always accused her of cheating on him.

Sipho once saw Caroline in the company of a man and labelled her a prostitute, a day never went without arguing.

On the fateful day, Caroline ditched Sipho, leaving him distressed, he went home and shared the news with his sister, Previous Dhewa.

Previous said: “I counselled him and promised to talk to Caroline so as to solve the problem and mend their shaky love affair.” Later in the day, Previous got worried when time passed without her seeing Sipho.

“I checked him in his bedroom, I was shocked to find him hanging from the roof truss. He did not leave a suicide note.”

Sipho said the incident left the family equally shocked and disturbed.

Police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the incident and advised community members to seek advice from friends, relatives or pastors rather than taking their lives.

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