A 32 year old Malawian man has just earned himself three years imprisonment with hard after he was found guilty of stealing three donkeys.

Police Prosecutor Sub-Inspector Caroline Sagawa, identified the convict as Nyamilandu Kandiyero.

According to Sagawa, Kandiyero sold the donkeys at a price of K300, 000 yet initially they are worth K800, 000.

Presiding Magistrate John Nsomba of Nchalo Magistrate Court observed that donkeys are power animals that are used to generate income for farmers adding that the owner had suffered a permanent loss on one of the Donkeys

He then added that Kandiyero deserved a stiffer punishment from the crime he committed  hence sentencing him to three years imprisonment with hard labor

According to Magistrate Nsomba, the sentence should also serve as a warning to would be offenders.

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