The First Grade Magistrate’s court in Mponela, Dowa District has convicted and sentenced Blessings Chiundireni, 18,  to 4 years imprisonment with hard labour after he was found guilty of robbery with violence, an offence which contravenes section 301 of the Penal Code.

Mponela Police prosecutor, Sub Inspector James Maganga told the court that on March 31, 2021 at around 7 oclock, the complainant who is also a police officer at Mponela Police Station was on her way from Mponela Market going home passing Mponela Agriculture institutional houses.

The court heard that as it was dark, the lady switched on her cell phone torch for lighting.

Whilst walking, an unknown person from behind went after her and managed to snatch her cellphone and made s run away with it. The darkness made efforts to trace the suspect futile.

The matter was reported to Mponela Police where a Warrant of search wad obtained.

A call log was searched from Airtel Malawi which led to trace of the one using the phone then until it was found with a certain lady within Mponela.

Upon being quizzed she disclosed that she bought the phone from Blessings Chiundireni. A follow up led to his arrest and was formerly charged with the offense of robbery.

Appearing before First Grade Magistrate Talakwanji Mndala, the accused pleaded guilty to the charge levelled against him.

In submission, state prosecutor Maganga asked the court to give the accused stiff punishment to the accused for him to learn and deter others from doing the criminal act.

Passing judgement, Magistrate Talakwanji Mndala concurred with state’s submissions and ordered him to stay behind bars for 4 years.

The convict Blessings Chiundireni comes from Chidothi Village in the area of Traditional Authority Mponela in Dowa District.

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