The Chikwawa First Grade Magistrates court has sentenced two men to 12 years imprisonment for burning a car belonging to a businessman whom they accuse of magically killing their brother.

The court heard through the state prosecutor from Chikwawa Police station Stephen Gent that the two on 26 December,2021 set ablaze the motor vehicle Toyota runix valued at K8 million of a certain businessman at Changoima trading centre and wounded his relations on allegations that the businessman murdered their brother.

When appearing in court the two pleaded not guilty for both counts and the state paraded seven witnesses who testified against them.

In his submission Gent prayed for a custodial sentence to the two citing that arson is serious offence in nature and also added that unlawful wounding cases are rampant in Chikwawa therefore harsh custodial sentence would deter others would be offenders.

In their mitigations, the two asked the court to be lenient with them saying that they are first offenders and bread winners for their families.

When delivering his ruling first grade magistrate Gladstone Chilundu concurred with the state and ordered Wilson Kasakatiza 25, to 10 years imprisonment with hard labour for arson and also ordered Kawiliza Kasakatiza 31, to 2 years Imprisonment with hard labour for unlawful wounding.

Both convicts come from Gaga Village Traditional Authority Chapananga in Chikwawa District.

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