A 27-year-old man Police has been arrested in Mulanje on Thursday for spreading fake information about alleged corrupt activities at a non-governmental organization.

The man identified as Shantel Saidi allegedly fabricated false information about Friends of Mulanje Orphans (FOMO), a charitable organization.

According to a police report, Deborah Kang’oma who works at Friends of Mulanje Orphans (FOMO) told Police that from January this year, Saidi, disguising himself as Watipaso Songo, has been circulating information on Facebook alleging that the charitable organization is corrupt.

Kang’oma also complained that Saidi also called one of the officials at the organization cruel and corrupt saying the official diverts support to already rich people at the expense of real targets.

“At some point, Saidi, a former beneficiary himself, allegedly sent messages directly to foreign-based FOMO partners saying the organization is misusing the support,” reads part of the report.

Working on the complaint, Police launched investigations leading to the arrest of the suspect who has been charged with the fabrication of false information contrary to section 86 of the Electronic Transaction and Cyber Security Act.

He comes from Kumwamba Village, Senior Chief Mabuka in Mulanje.

Meanwhile, Police have warned people against misusing social media platforms as this is criminal.

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