A Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) woman who went viral in Zambia for allegedly being a human eater has responded to the rumor and vowed to take action.

The lady who has been identified as Heritia Molisho, a nurse at Kinkole General Referral Hospital in Kinshasa DR Congo has vowed to sue all online media who ran the story accusing her of eating people in Zambia.

Ms Molisho, a local gospel musician and a nurse by profession said that she is shocked that her picture was trending in many Zambian Online media with caption that she was eating people direct and alive when in real sense she has never visited Zambia.

“It’s like some criminals claiming to be journalists in Zambia downloaded my profile picture and started saying that I eat people. In any case I have never be in Zambia and accusing me of eating people is criminal,” she said.

She has now vowed to sue 29 Zambian Online papers demanding $15,000 from each for denting her name. Ms Mosho has engaged 2 lawyers to help her deal with the case.

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