The First Grade Magistrate Court in Mponela – Dowa has convicted and sentenced Jaziel Chamwala, 70, to 5 years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling a 10-year-old girl.

The court heard through state prosecutor, Sub Inspector Mphatso Banda that on August 10, 2021, the victim (name withheld) left home together with a friend.

Whilst there, Chimwala coaxed the victim into a nearby bush where she was threatened to be killed once she could shout.

Then Chimwala forcefully stripped off her dress and defiled her.

In the course of his illicit act, a certain man (name withheard) appeared and found Chamwala with the victim.

Appearing in court, Chimwala pleaded not guilty to the charge of defilement contravening section 138 of the penal code.

Five witnesses were paraded to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt.

First Grade Magistrate Talakwanji M’ndala found him guilty of the offence.

In his submission, Sub Inspector Mphatso Banda prayed for a stiff punishment considering that Chamwala was earlier convicted with a similar offence but was later discharged as one of his leg was amputeted.

But the magistrate concured with the state and sentenced him to 5 years imprisonment with hard labour.

Jaziel Chamwala, 70, comes from Mnderamimba Village in the area of Traditional Authority Dzoole in Dowa District.


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