Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) staff have threatened to stage a strike across the country offices following promotion of some officers who are believed to be connected to the government.

In a memo from disgruntled employees seen by FaceofMalawi and addressed to the Director of ICT and Innovations, the employees expressed their frustrations following the recent promotions.

It is alleged that the recent promotions were favouring members of staff coming from the central region and those connected to Malawi Congress Party (MCP) officials.

“The positions of C2 – C3, how will these posts be affected? Will appointments be done as well, or will they be affected through interviews?

And are the interviews Internal or external vacancies?

Admittedly the Administration Notice 6/2021 also states that, Interviews will be conducted where several qualifying candidates qualify for a particular position, but within Research and Innovations for example, there are only 7 of us working under the newly appointed Deputy Director. Surely qualifying candidates can be appointed for the posts of C2, C3 and D1 positions,” reads part of the memo.

In the same memo, employees expressed their disgruntlement of having external candidates fill positions that can be filled internally.

“What we cannot and will not accept is that new staff come and take positions that we can be groomed for. Empower us, motivate us, capacitate us, believe in our ability to do the job required as we have done so for the years that have passed. Accord us the opportunity and let us, together, build the ICT Division we are all proud of,” Reads the other part of the Memo.

Despite several attempts, MRA spokesperson Steve Kapoloma could not be reached to comment by the time of publication.

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