A 32-year-old woman who raped several other women is currently at Chikurubi Female Prison serving 50 years.

Ruth, who is a mother of three said the odds were not on her side when her husband deserted her. This was when she started associating with notorious criminals who hooked her into various acts, including robberies and raping of women.

Ruth revealed all this following a Peace Education programme conducted by the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services at Harare Central Prison Mess.

In an interview, Ruth said she regrets the decision to associate with notorious robbers after her marriage collapsed.

After her marriage collapsed, she started staying with a friend in Chitungwiza but they ended up associating with armed robbers for the love of money – where she got exposed to their acts of robbing and raping women.

“My involvement with these robbers, and my presence at the scenes where women were raped was enough evidence before the courts of law for my conviction.

Ruth’s notorious partner-in-crime was also arrested and is currently serving his sentence as well.

She has since served three years.

Also on iHarare, a Mwenezi mentally challenged man allegedly killed his elder brother who was also a mental patient before hanging himself adjacent to the murder scene.

Zvondai Murove, 32, of Mukahamari village under Chief Neshuro in Mwenezi murdered his brother Tawedzerwa Murove, 35, on the night of March 4.

After killing his brother, Zvondai left the dead body inside a local Zion Christian Church (ZCC) and later on hanged himself on a tree about 300 meters from the murder scene, TellZim reports.

Masvingo provincial Police Spokesperson confirmed and urged caregivers to exercise extreme care on the patients.

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