South Africa Police in Soweto are keeping in custody former Malawi lands Minister Vuwa Kaunda’s son Davie Kaunda alias ‘Shenko’ for defrauding Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) MK130 million.

According to sources close to the Kaunda Family disclosed that Davie was arrested alongside other suspected criminal friends while clubbing, drinking, and partying at KONKA, an exotic Night Club in Soweto on Saturday night, March 12, 2022.

Davie’s arrest follows International Police’s wanted list.

This publication understands that in 2013, Davie Kaunda ran away from Malawi after stealing MRA and public funds totaling MK130 Million.

He has been hiding in South Africa where he was involved in defrauding Innocent South Africans and Malawians.

Davie pretended to be a Car Dealer who managed to convincingly con the prospective buyers. After the buyers give him huge sums of money, Davie was nowhere to be seen.

Several South African victims reported him to the South African Police Services (SAPS) who later launched a manhunt for Davie and his accomplices who operate and are behind a Notorious Cross Border Car thefts.

Davie Kaunda swindled public funds through auctioning of MRA’s Cars in 2013 which could be recovered.

“Instead of surrendering the money to government which was obtained from the Sales of MRA’s vehicles Davie Kaunda run away with the Cash and settled in South Africa.

“This Government’s money stands a chance of being recovered. Other Malawian individuals were duped by Davie through car deals. This is also their time of recovering their hard-earned monies,” says an MRA official who refused to be named.

Davie was arrested along with other suspected criminals including four Zimbabweans, one Mozambican, and two South Africans.

They are meanwhile being kept at Sun City Prison in South Africa pending to appear in court.

Malawi’s South africa embassy are yet to comment on the matter.

Davie’s father, who is also opposition Democratic Progress Party (DPP) lawmaker for Nkhatabay central was not available for comment on several attempts.

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