A 49-year-old man Majidu Samson who hails from Chipala village, Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi has been convicted and sentenced to 21-years imprisonment with hard labour by the Mangochi Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court for raping a 29-year old woman.

According to Mangochi Police Station Public Relations Officer Sub Inspector Amina Tepani Daudi the sentencing happened on 16th March, 2022.

State prosecutor Inspector Amos Mwase told the court that on the evening of 5th March, 2022 the victim who stays at Maldeco Trading centre was escorting her fiancé who visited her and after a distance walk, they noticed that they were being followed by the convict who had two empty beer bottles in his hands.

“The convict smashed the bottles and targeted the victim’s fiance who fled and left her behind and the convict dragged the victim into a nearby maize field while pulling her hair and raped her twice,” Daudi said.

Prosecutor Mwase further told the court that the convict took the victim to his house through unchartered routes where he raped her again while threatening to assault and kill her using the glass bottle.

“After satisfying himself, the convict dumped the victim on the road and by-passers took her to her father’s house where she narrated the ordeal thereafter the matter was reported at Koche Police Unit where she was issued a hospital referral letter and the results from Koche Health Center confirmed that she was raped.

Samson pleaded not guilty to the charge after appearing in court prompting the state to parade four witnesses who testified against him and in mitigation, the convict asked for the court’s leniency citing that he is a breadwinner to his family.

But in his submission, prosecutor Mwase stated that the victim was traumatised due to the torture adding that her life was also affected hence the need for a stiff and custodial sentence.

Passing sentence, magistrate Rodrick Michongwe concurred with the state hence the sentence to serve as a lesson to other would be offenders.

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