Opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) top official Ken Msonda has asked the party leadership to hasten in addressing the challenges rocking the party before the much awaited elective conference set for 2023.

Msonda’s call comes amid infighting in the opposition DPP involving the party leader President Peter Mutharika and his Vice Kondwani Nankhumwa.

Writing on his official Facebook page Msonda cautioned the party that failure to address the challenges now will lead into disaster come 2023.

Msonda went further to accuse the party leadership of favouring some Presidential aspirants in the party.

“The leadership is trying to buy time so that their preferred presidential candidate (s) qualify to contest for the position at the moment none of their preferred presidential candidates qualifies to contest for the party presidency,” wrote Msonda.

Below is Msonda’s statement;

Suffice, take note of the following IMPORTANT areas to be addressed before the said May 23 Convention, otherwise chipani chikathera ku convention konko, mark words and read my lips; however, God Forbid;

1- DPP Constitution stipulates that NGC meets atleast once a year. From 2018 NGC has never met

2- DPP Constitution stipulates that the party should have a mid term National Conference. The last convention was 2018 meaning the National Conference was supposed to be held in 2020

3- DPP Constitution stipulates that all decisions made by the Central Executive Committee should be ratified (accepted or rejected) by the NGC. Meaning after the 2018 National Conference all decisions being made are illegal unless ratified by NGC

4- DPP Constitution stipulates that the Central Executive Committee should comprises :

1- Party President
2- 4 VPs
3- SG
4- TG
5- NDoW
6- NDoY

*Our Central Executive Committee is no longer functioning therefore all decisions being made are ILLEGAL!*

If the party cannot rectify the above highlighted IMPORTANT issues forget having a Conversation come 2023. Some of us are aware why the party leadership is delaying to call for NGC meeting.

The leadership is trying to buy time so that their preferred presidential candidate (s) qualify to contest for the position at the moment none of their preferred presidential candidates qualifies to contest for the party presidency



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