Being married comes with several responsibilities which includes accountability, commitment, faithfulness and uncompromised affection for one’s partner. Having a successful marriage involves the deliberate practice of the aforementioned values or responsibilities and equally shunning some negative practices that might be detrimental to the harmony in your relationship.

Speaking of negative practices, in this article; we shall consider 4 things or lifestyles you should abstain from whether as a man or woman if you must have a quality marital relationship with your spouse. See them below.

1.  Self-centeredness.

This is an attitude of self-gratification and showing little or no regard for the interest of others. As an individual who is about to get married or is married already, it is imperative to understand that marriage is not about one’s self or satisfaction alone, it involves the consideration to satisfy the needs of your partner in all ramifications, and your children’s as well. So, whenever you want to make any plan as a married individual, always consider the interest of your spouse and children. The moment you become married, you should seize to do things individually but to carry your partner along on any issue.

2.  Keeping late nights.

You may have a flair for night movement, parties or other forms of late-night adventure, but the moment you become married, this lifestyle should be stopped immediately. Conforming to the habit of keeping late nights, most especially for frivolous reasons is an act of irresponsibility that might be costly on your relationship. Nonetheless, in cases of an emergency; this can be tolerated but it mustn’t be a regular act.

3.   Sticking only to your opinion and thought.

Every individual has their philosophy, opinion and perception of things, including your spouse. Always sticking to your viewpoint on any issue and disregarding the opinion of your partner might lead to strife and resentment in your relationship. For you to tangle successfully with your partner, you both must reach an understanding of any issue and put your differences aside. Marriage comes with different challenges, and they can best be tackled when both partners collaborate.

4.  Keeping sexual relationship or contact with your ex-lover.

There is nothing wrong in having friends of the opposite gender as a married person, but the idea of keeping mutual contact with your ex or other people your partner isn’t aware of might breed room for mistrust and strife in your relationship. As a married person, you should understand that every sort of relationship with the opposite gender should be known and endorsed by your partner, and anything intimate outside your partner’s knowledge can be detrimental to your relationship if caution isn’t taken.