It looks like Robert Mugabe’s daughter Bona Mugabe has also joined the ruling party.

Judging from ZANU PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa’s Facebook post, it seems Bona Mugabe and her husband joined Zanu PF right at the same time her brother Robert Mugabe Jnr endorsed the ruling party

Taking to Facebook, Chris Mutsvangwa wrote;

Effusive joy and total gratitude as comrades Bona and Robert Mugabe express that abiding FAMILY loyalty to ZANU-PF, the Party of the Enduring Zimbabwe Revolution.

Recently, Bona Mugabe’s little brother Robert Mugabe Jr got social media talking after he was spotted at a Zanu PF rally.

Mugabe Jnr attended a ZANU PF  Star rally at St Mary’s in Chitungwiza on Wednesday.

He was paraded and got to meet up with President Emmerson Mnangagwa and other Zanu PF high-profile members.

President Mnangagwa greeting Robert Mugabe Jnr at the ZANU PF rally in Chitungwiza (Image: ZBC News)

Robert Jnr said he “is a ZANU PF child” and has “a ZANU PF soul.” He added that ever since he was born Zanu PF is the only party he has ever known, as such, it was only right for him that he continues with the legacy.

“They have been very accomodating. I thought I should come and support the party. Like it’s a family tradition. Since I was born the only thing I knew is Zanu PF. I am a Zanu PF child and I have a Zanu PF soul. It is only right that I continue the legacy,” Robert Jnr said.

While at the rally, Robert Mugabe Jnr chanted the ZANU PF slogan as he endorsed his support for the ruling party.

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