Zambian Teenage girl Joyce Chibuye who went viral on social media for leaking bedroom videos has broken the silence and spoken out in defence of her actions.

Commenting on one of Zambia’s online media outlet, Chibuye confidently said she has no regrets of what happened adding that everything happens for a reason.

“I have no regrets in my life. I think that everything happens for a reason. The hard times that I’m going through build character and making me a much stronger person,” she said.

Explaining her ordeal on her newly opened Facebook page, Chibuye said the leaked videos was not her idea but she was drugged.

According to Chibuye, whatever she did in the videos it was really not her fault while asking people to stop sharing the said videos.

“I was put on pills and before throwing stones at me I wish you all reached out to me I wasn’t normal in that video
Please stop circulating it,” she said.

According to Chibuye, her life will never be the same considering that she is a school going person.

She said the person who did this to her would have just killed her instead of leaking the videos.

“May God forgive me…because I know this happened for a reason and I’ve learnt a lot,” she said.

She went on telling people that they should stop putting the blame on people who have their s3xual acts videos leaked saying that mostly it is not really their fault.

“I never imagined myself to be in such a act, but I now understand that all these people we see on social media trending for sexual act videos especially girls, it’s not really their fault,” advised Chibuye.

As others are still attacking her on social media, others have come to her rescue by defending her and encouraging her to stay strong.

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