Police in Mponela have arrested Isaac Levison, 23, who was found in possession of 8 pails of Indian hemp without permit.

Sergeant Macpatson Msadala, Public Relations Officer (PRO) for Mponela Police Station said in the wee hours of March 30, 2022 Levison was intercepted at Nambuma Trading Centre by officers who were patrolling around the area.

The suspect carried a sack bag on his bicycle which contained Indian hemp.

The police found 8 pails of Indian hemp without permit hence arrested the suspect and also seized the illicit drug.

The suspect will appear before court to answer the charge of found in possession of cannabis sativa without permit which is contrary to section 6 as read with section 19 of dangerous drugs act.

Isaac Levison, 23 years comes from Mwabwera village in the area of Traditional Authority Kabudula in Lilongwe District.

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