Finding love in the BBMzansi house was not in Thato plans, but it happened, and she has no regrets.

In the fifth week of her stay in the BBMzansi house, she built a connection with one of the top five contestants Gash1; they did almost everything together and she was sad to leave the house.

”I was there for 9 out of 10 weeks and finding love is something I did not expect at all. He is not the kind of guy I usually go for, but love is love I guess,” she said.

Unlike Venus, who said her connection with BU and Themba was just her playing the game, Thato says her bond with Gash1 was real.

“It was all real for me. I did not believe that Gash was playing a game with me, and that is what my heart told me. He let his guard down and would sacrifice the game when speaking to me and I did the same. I am yet to see if he was playing me after he wins the R2 million. If he was, then his loss.”

She would be happy if Gash1 wins but she is also routing for Mphowabadimo.

“Of course, I want Gash or Themba to take the money, but for women empowerment, I would not mind Mpho taking it,” she said.

“Themba was my least favourite person in the house because his jokes were often mean but I should be okay if he wins. I found him to be unnecessarily mean and I fought with him the most. Tulz on the other hand must just stay away from me. He became very personal but would then say it is just a game. He is the one person I am apprehensive about.”

While she waits for the love of her life to be announced the BBMzansi winner, she continues to pursue her career as an entertainer.

“I am so grateful to be walking away with a huge platform, Was able to put myself out there and show who I am. Just want to continue creating content on social media. Would love to have a talk show on radio or television and maybe also get an acting job here and there. Am multi-talented, and this is the beginning of big things to come from me in this space.”

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