A 10-year-old girl, Faiza Derick in Chiradzulu has died after sustaining stab wounds emanating from a violent attack by Madalitso Chipendo of Tambala village from Traditional Authority Juma in Mulanje District.

It is reported that on 31st March, 2022, at around 1230 hours, Faiza went to a well with an aim of fetching water. She was accompanied by her young sister Shamimu aged 5.

On their way to the well,they were approached by Madalitso Chipendo (an adult), who picked the deceased and vanished into the maize field with her.

Her young sister followed them while shouting for help. Upon seing that he was being followed by the girl, Chipendo stabbed Faiza on the neck with a sharp object and left her there.

Well-wishers rushed to the scene and picked the girl to Chiradzulu District Hospital where she was pronounced dead upon arrival. The results from the Hospital revealed that death was due to internal bleeding.

Thereafter, police rushed to the scene where they found that the suspect had already been apprehended by the community and that they were heavily assaulting him.

Police officers tried to rescue the suspect from the angry mob, a thing which did not please them.

Therefore the mob ascended on the police and ended up damaging the Station’s Motor vehicle windscreen and in course of that injured the Driver Sergeant Brian Dzikolidaya on the head.

The angry mob also stoned Yasin roadblock building and some window panes have been completely damaged.

The injured officer was rushed to the Chiradzulu Hospital where he is receiving treatment.

Meanwhile, investigations are underway to arrest the perpetrators of this mob justice.

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