Drama ensured at Namulenga trading Centre in Mulanje district where a married woman was caught with her lover in one of ADMARC maize garden on Monday evening.

According to sources, this has been the woman’s behavior since the family relocated into the area in 2009 but people were afraid to tell the husband because he trusts his wife so much to the extent that he could not tolerate anyone speaking badly about his wife.

On this faithful day when people saw the woman going towards the usual place of meeting, they called the husband saying one of his son has been caught stealing in a field maize near ADMARC and the owner is insisting that the father should rescue him. Without hesitation the man rushed to the scene where he found something contrary to the issue.

The source added that, the husband broke down into tears upon seeing his wife with another man.

Suddenly the man fled leaving the owner of the wife in the field.

The husband dragged the wife home where she was told to pack her things and go to her mother’s home, the situation which has made her to claim that she was not doing anything with the so-called man but they accidentally met on the route that leads to her house and vowed that she will never go anywhere near her mother’s place.

People in the community said, the woman in question charmed her husband that everything she says is final and the fact is that she will not pack her belongings because the charm is still working, they call her the real Phalombe woman.

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