ZIMBAWE – A 39-year-old man from Mpopoma in Bulawayo has appeared in court for allegedly raping a 16-year-old girl who was working for him as a maid several times on different occasions.

The man appeared before Western Commonage magistrate Mrs Sibongile Marondedze last week charged with raping and impregnating a minor.

The court heard that the accused forced himself on the teenager from an unknown date in January 2021 to November 2021.

Prosecutor Samantha Gubede told the court that on the first occasion, the accused sent his younger daughter to call the maid who was washing plates outside the house while his wife was not around.

He then went with the teen to her bedroom and forced her to lie down on the bed and she refused. He then pushed her onto the bed and closed her mouth before raping her. From that day, he would rape the teenager on many other occasions, the court heard.

The matter came to light when his wife suspected that the minor was pregnant and that is when she revealed the truth that she was raped by the suspect. The teenager was referred to Mpilo Central Hospital for medical examination and a medical report can be provided in court as an exhibit.

He was granted bail of $ 300 000 and the matter was postponed to 25 April for trial.

Source: The Sunday News

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