The Senior Resident Magistrate’s (SRM) court in Dedza has on Thursday, April 7, 2022 ordered Isaac Chilunga 24, to pay a fine of K480,000.00 and in default to serve a 15 months jail term endangering lives of people traveling by road.

In court, the culprit was answering two counts of endangering lives of people travelling by road and Causing injuries by reckless/negligent driving of Motor vehicle on a public road contrary to sections 237(e) and 126(4) respectively of the Road Traffic Act (RTA).

SRM Clemence Chamwenda heard through police prosecutor, Sergeant Blessings Chimutu that the road accident happened in the morning hours of March 19, 2022 at around 10:30 hrs at Kazembe village, along Dedza town-Kasumbu road.

Chilunga was driving a half tonne pick up registration number ZA 690 with twenty seven passengers on board.

Upon arrival at Kazembe village, he failed to negotiate a corner due to overspeeding as a result, Seven passengers fell down from the moving motor vehicle and sustained minor injuries whereby two of them had their teeths removed.

All the seven victims were rushed to Dedza district hospital and the motor vehicle had no any damage.

Chilunga pleaded guilty in court, however, the prosecutor asked a stiffer sentence to deter others.

Passing the sentence, SRM Chamwenda concurred with the state prosecutor and unleashed a 15 months jail term with an option of a fine to pay MK60,000.00 each to all the seven victims and the State totalling to Mk480,000.00.

Isaac Chilunga hails from Pinji village, in Traditional Authority Kaphuka, in Dedza district.

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