Ex-Minister Kasambara tips men on cost cutting measures: ‘Reduce your list of women friends from 30 to only 3 if you can’

Former Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Ralph Kasambara has tipped men on cost cutting measures as prices of goods continues to rise on the market.

Kasambara’s advice comes barely days after the Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) hiked fuel prices by 20 and 30 percent respectively.

Writing on his official facebook page, Kasambara advised men in the country to embark on austerity measure such as reducing the number of women friends.

Kasambara went further by asking men to stop asking contacts of women.

Below are some of the tips by Ralph Kasambara;

 Times are hard.

We must learn from eneka the bird that reasoned thus:

“since men have learnt to shoot without missing birds have learnt to fly without perching.”

MEN, this is how to demilitarise and denazify yourself

  1. Stop asking for women’s contacts.
  2. Stop giving lift to strange women by the roadside just because they look nice.
  3. Stop greeting women unnecessarily on social media.
  4. Stop stalking statuses.
  5. Learn to say you don’t have money to women.
  6. Stop pledging to help later, for it is like a loan to women.
  7. Ignore some messages and calls and don’t answer back.
  8. Take hours or days without responding to unnecessary messages.
  9. Celebrate when women say ndiwe wonyada, because they now realize the distance.
  10. Ask your money back if a woman did ask for a loan.
  11. Don’t initiate any chats with women. Avoid.
  12. Be happy when a woman stops talking to you.
  13. Reduce your list of women friends from 30 to only 3 if you can
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